“Endless Night” is a psychological thriller by Agatha Christie, published in 1967. The story is narrated by Michael Rogers, a young man with dreams of building his own house. He meets and falls in love with Ellie, a wealthy heiress, and they marry, despite opposition from Ellie’s family.
The couple’s dream of a perfect life in their new home, “Gipsy’s Acre,” is shattered by a series of tragic events. Strange occurrences and a sense of foreboding lead them to believe that the house is cursed. As the story unfolds, secrets from the past are revealed, and the true nature of the “endless night” that haunts them becomes clear.
Without giving away too much of the plot, the book explores themes of fate, greed, and the consequences of one’s actions. It is known for its unexpected twists and a dark, haunting atmosphere that sets it apart from Christie’s more traditional detective novels.