“Beyond Black” by Hilary Mantel is a novel that delves into the life of Alison Hart, a professional psychic who has spent years touring the British suburbs with her partner, Colette, offering spiritual guidance and conducting séances. Alison’s abilities are genuine, and she communicates with spirits, but her life is far from glamorous. She is haunted by her own traumatic past, including an abusive childhood and a history of self-harm.
The novel explores themes of trauma, abuse, and the supernatural, with a darkly humorous touch. As Alison navigates her work and personal life, she encounters a range of eccentric characters, both living and dead. She grapples with the demands of her clients, who often seek closure or reassurance from the spirits of their loved ones, as well as the relentless presence of the spirits themselves, who sometimes offer cryptic messages or unsettling insights.
One of the central conflicts in the novel is Alison’s relationship with Colette, which is strained by Colette’s greed and manipulative behavior. Despite this, Alison relies on Colette for support and companionship, highlighting the complexities of their bond.
Throughout the novel, Mantel weaves together themes of guilt, redemption, and the search for meaning in a world that often seems indifferent or hostile. “Beyond Black” is a darkly comic and thought-provoking exploration of the supernatural and the human psyche, offering a unique perspective on the complexities of life and death