“The Boy in the Dress” is a children’s novel by David Walliams, illustrated by Quentin Blake. It tells the story of a 12-year-old boy named Dennis who enjoys playing football but also has a secret passion for fashion. Despite his father’s disapproval, Dennis secretly tries on dresses and finds comfort in them.
Dennis befriends a girl named Lisa, who encourages him to embrace his love for dresses and express himself freely. With Lisa’s support, Dennis attends school in a dress and adopts the persona of “Denise,” a confident and stylish girl. However, when his secret is discovered, Dennis faces ridicule and rejection from his peers, including his best friend Darvesh, and struggles with his father’s disappointment.
Despite the challenges, Dennis finds strength in being true to himself and stands up for what he believes in. The story emphasizes the importance of acceptance, self-expression, and the courage to be different. It celebrates individuality and challenges gender stereotypes, encouraging readers to be true to themselves and accept others for who they are.